See the photograph of Steve Wells (on the left) and me.

When I write about peak performance, I mean Mind and Energy.
Steve is a leading edge researcher and skilled practitioner in this new and exciting field of Energy Psychology. He received the 2000 Research Award from the field’s peak body, for original ground-breaking research on Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Together with colleague Dr. David Lake, Steve has developed the unique approaches Simple Energy Techniques (SET) and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET). I will be writing about (PET) later in the blog it is really good fun. Both Steve and David are in demand internationally to train others in their unique methods. Steve’s work has been featured on several Australian current affairs programs, he regularly appears on radio, and his work has been featured in several national magazines and newspapers.
Steve was one of the first to apply Energy Techniques to performance enhancement in sports, as well as to personal and corporate success. Through his work he has helped many professional athletes to achieve at peak levels in their sport, and has helped thousands of business and professional people to achieve greater levels of success in their work and life. For several years, Steve was the team psychologist for the Perth professional baseball team, who won the championship using his programs.
Steve’s focus is on teaching practical strategies you can use immediately to get better results. His programs are based on universal principals of success combined with Energy psychology. More information on Steve and David’s work can be found at For people who like to use you tube, type in “Simple Energy Techniques (SET)”
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